Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Are you the Hunter, Survivor, or Prey?

Alien vs Predator Review:
The premise of Alien vs Predator is that you play as either a alien, predator, or marine in this all out war between the species. In the Marine campaign its your duty to fight to survive. As a Alien its your mission to escape captivity and reek havoc on your captives. You are a predator that's objective is to bring a end to the madness that has been unleashed. In Alien vs predator you play as either a alien, predator, or marine in this all out war between the species. In the Marine campaign its your duty to fight to survive. The marine campaign plays out like a typical survival horror game, offering plenty of scares and action to quench your thirst. As a Alien its your mission to escape captivity and reek havoc on your captives. These missions move away form the survival horror aspect and more into a strategy game where you mus pick off the marines one by one. In the Predator campaign, you are a predator that's objective is to bring a end to the madness that has been unleashed. Each campaign has their own unique feel and story behind it making the characters and environments more engaging as you play through them. I found the Marine campaign to be the most fun out of the three thanks to the added polish, since this is the campaign that most people would play first. The Alien campaign is a mixed bag, I found it fun to kill and harvest soldiers, but a bit repetitive after the first hour or two. The Predator campaign was fun and action packed and I would recommend playing this one first if you wanted to jump into the action right away. Overall the was well tuned and interesting, and seeing of how it unravels in the three campaigns is a lot of fun, but the conclusion is a unsatisfactory cliff hanger that will hopefully be answered in DLC or a new title.The game really wasn't that challenging thats to some of the weapons that you acquire and the dumb AI. I was a bit dissapointed in how the AI played out at many points in my playtime I saw enemies get stuck in walls or stand completly still even though I was right  in front of them. The predator and Alien campaign are a joke as far as challenge thanks to the predators weapons and the Aliens stealth. The predator campaign was simple, but was unique in some ways I had alot of fun using the voice of a fallen marine and luring his friend into my trap, yet that fun didnt last too long after the third hour. The Alien campaign was the same old "Go to this area, kill these guys, Go to the next one." type ordeal making it hard to play and really engage the player. Both the Alien and Preadtor campaign could have done more unique things, such as with the Alien one it would have been nice to play as a face hugger or a different class, rather than the old black serpent. Dont buy Alien vs Predator for the story or else you will be dissapointed, but the multiplayer is alot of fun and is worth the money on its own. All in all Alien vs Preadator was a mixed bag. but was alot of fun and a enjoyable experience, I would recommend renting the game, but a purchase is only if you are a big fan.
7 out of 10
  • Fun campaign
  • Great multiplayer
  • Alien and Preadator Campaign are repetitive
  • No real challenge
  • Gets repetitive after a couple of hours.

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