After playing Just Cause 2 i learned soooo much that i wanted to unlearn it! The main thing about this game is its giant sandbox map, which is superb in detail and types of environments. But now that the good stuffs out of the way, time to rip a new one on this game! not that this game was all bad, it lacked a strong, attention keeping campaign. Sure the explosions are pretty, and most of the map is blank, but it will keep you playing because of all the oil refineries i exploded. so the main story wasn't too long, but then bad voice acting wants to make you pick up your system and toss it onto the nearest railroad tracks and watch a train pulverize that stupid Spanish/Jamaican/????? accent out of the stupid chick in the game. The side missions are fun, but a follow a line of rescue, destroy, and retrieve missions. The most fun i had in this game was when i took the biggest cannon, multi-missile jet and blew up the main refinery. oh those pretty yellows and reds.... but still some play value is in this game, but its not in its story. Some improvements that they could have done is add multiplayer, or at least co-op.Yes the game has good graphics, like the water, and explosions, but when is the story sacrificed for look? sadly enough the game only gets 4 happy Dan stars out of 10. -Melonman

happy dan stars?? I wonder.........