A few weeks ago, the RUSE multiplayer beta took the PC by storm, with thousands of download, obviously marketing towards the PC crowed, but seeing as any beta has yet to be announced for consoles, I've decided to give a brief rundown on what we can expect when it comes down to gameplay and design for RUSE multi-payer.
The design of ruse is very unique. When you zoom out, you are given a view of a war room, with a 3D map, scattered with icons of units and buildings. This is a good way to see all of your units, and makes it seem more like a board game. RUSE really shines when you zoom in, and can see all of the details of your units. This makes the gameplay far more interesting. RUSE has normal controls for an RTS, but introduces a very simple menu, making it easy to select and build units.
There are some very clear issues with multiplayer, where it is nearly impossible to find a game that doesn't lag, or simply freeze every minute or so. But seeing as it's a huge beta, it's understandable. Overall, when you find a good game, the action is non stop, and very addicting.
Overall, when RUSE works, it works very well. And if every match works well when it's released, It will be a must-have for any RTS fan.
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