Millions of people went to the store in order to buy the latest installment in the Call of duty franchise, but who woulda known that mere months later the multiplayer would be filled with hackers and glitchers ruining the experience. At that same time a much more improved and refined multiplayer game was just around the corner. Battlefield Bad Company 2 was the answer to our prayers, and these five reasons are why Battlefield is the only choice for online shooters.
You actually work with people: In more ways than one, in order to rack up kills and kick some ass, you have to work together with fellow gamers in order to kill dem Russians (or Americans if you're playing a communist). Unlike Call of Duty where it's more "do it on your own", Battlefield is structured in such a way that the only way to conquer objectives and push the frontline forward is by using the various classes at your disposal. Whether your squad is a bunch of engineers or snipers, teamwork is key and in order to complete your task you're going to need someone to watch your rear, or spawn as a medic in order to revive fallen comrades. Which leads to another key point: you can revive people in Battlefield!!
You get points for everything: In Battlefield, you get points for just about everything and ultimately leveling has a giant effect on how many kills you'll get. Now I know that sounds just like Call of Duty, but Battlefield makes you work to become better at the game, having you start off with nothing until you finally gain your tools of destruction. There is nothing better than spending hours playing and feeling the amount of accomplishment when you max out a class. You will rarely ever say bul#$3% when you get sniped because there is always a chance of a revive, along with the chance of finding the assailants position in the death cam. The weapons are well balanced and you'll hardly ever curse at your screen unlike with Call of Duty..................Yeah, I mean you, Dual Akimbos.
The Campaign is longer than 6 hours: Call of Duty's Campaign is one for the books: it had fantastic set pieces and solid story and gameplay, along with twist that you won't see coming. Yet 6 hours later and you have a game that only leaves you with a even shorter co-op campaign and multiplayer destined to fail. Battlefield's campaign offered a solid story and breathtaking set pieces. It was literally none stop action and truly improved from the original, but what makes this campaign better is the amount of work put into the characters and how they interact with each other. Battlefield is hilarious and has both intriguing characters and story- the only thing missing is four player co-op.These are the reasons why I think Battlefield is much better than Call of Duty and hopefully knocked it off its throne.
Dual 1887 for the loss, GO NOOBS!