As many people know, pushbacks on great games can cause chaos and confusion among the gaming centers of the world. Such instances include Left 4 Dead, Command & Conquer 3, and most recently, Red Dead. But you might be thinking "Why push back a game when it already looks sooooo good?". After taking the Game Design class at my home school, i learned that even perfect looking games (Call of Duty MW2) can be broken in ways we never would think of, and neither the programmers or developers could either! One reason is that the game testers, which we all want to secretly be, try every possible way to break the game so it can be fixed, like the arrow dupicator in Oblivion or the way Call of Duty released its multiplayer with so many gliches. But over the years, updates and fixes can come in a hour after release or never to be fixed at all, like EA with its server problems in Battlefield Bad Company 2, that was fixed in a matter of days. Yes another reason is that the date of release is coming on a day that is mixed with bigger titles, like recently Splintercell was thought of threatining the idea of Red Dead, so RD pushed itself back so when people were geting tired of that game, they could just move to the new. There are other reasons for all of this but if games dont end up like Spore (if i have to explain that to you you are not a true lifeless gamer) and like Call of Duty, the game is just being Perfected in both Gameplay and Price!- Melonman
i agree with you on this, but delays still suck floopydonkeydick (quoting a friend)